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iManSys – The occupational safety software


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... for all compliance requirements

With iManSys you can fulfil all duties in the areas of occupational safety, health protection, quality and environmental management as well as personnel development. Through this holistic approach you gather all departments and employee groups together – because occupational safety concerns everyone.

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over 1 Mio.
available in 0
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for ISO standards

We support you with your project ideas!

As a full-service provider in the areas of health and safety, quality management and environment (HSQE) as well as HR Development, we support you in the introduction and implementation of a compliance management system for your company. With our software solution iManSys you can meet both your business obligations and applicable legal requirements. For a safe, simple and effective working environment!

iManSys Dashboard
iManSys Dashboard 2
iManSys Dashboard 3

Your advantages with a compliance management system

Your advantages with iManSys

We create a safer, simpler and more effective work environment!

  • Fulfilment of company obligations in the areas of health and safety, quality management and environment (HSQE), as well as HR Development
  • Management and systemisation of structures and responsibilities
  • Capturing of resources, requirements and guidelines
  • Automation of planning of actions and sustainable documentation
  • Optimisation of action management
  • Noticeable easing of manager workload thanks to central organisation of all tasks
  • High user acceptance thanks to clear design
  • International use thanks to a choice of 28 languages
  • Strong customer orientation due to individual customising options
  • Professional consultation by experienced consultants
  • Maximum cost efficiency thanks to flexible license models
  • Over 20 years experience with countless references from all industries
We are one of the leading providers of integrated compliance management software and a full service provider in this area. We have an international partner network and maintain clients in all industries. Thoughtfully designed concepts, powerful products, clear ideas, motivated employees and long-term experience form our recipe for success and continue to determine our in-house product development to this day.
  • Agile system
  • Numerous references
  • Comprehensive solution
  • Quick ROI
  • Your advantages with iManSys
  • Everything in a single package
  • Full service provider
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iManSys Devices


The perfect software solution for occupational safety

What you should know...

In our extensive online library you will find various white papers on the subjects of occupational health and safety, issues of our domeba magazine, complete with success stories of our users, and information on our HSQE software solution, iManSys. Naturally, all content is free of charge.

For all iManSys users:
We are here to support you!

Our consultants will be happy to help you with content and technical issues relating to iManSys. Use our support form to describe your problem to us. We will get back to you promptly via email. We are available from monday to friday between 08:00 and 17:00.

Support, Consulting and Advice

+49 (0) 371 – 400 20 84