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Partner Management

Strong partnerships and successful collaborations

With our strategic partner programme, we are expanding our extensive sales network in the field of occupational safety and health management. We aim for cross-sector knowledge transfer and exchange of experience, taking into account specific corporate goals. Find out more about our partners and our partner programme.

Your skills for mutual success

We are looking for industry specialists, networkers and sales talents who will exclusively and profitably place our leading HSQE software solutions on the market. With our product portfolio, we serve all company sizes, industries and market segments. As a sales partner, you benefit from our professional structures as you support your contacts in introducing innovative software solutions for holistic occupational health and safety.

4 steps to a partnership

1. Through discussion, we work out the individual strategic goals and framework conditions for a potential partnership together.

2. Conclusion of the contract ensures partnership-based cooperation in order to jointly offer market-leading solutions and services for our interested parties.

3. In our training courses and project training courses, you will receive the technical expertise needed to place our products profitably on the market.

4. We offer you ongoing support from your personal contact and provide you with all the necessary marketing materials.

8 good reasons for collaborating

Become part of our sales network and strengthen your sales success through a joint partnership.

Would you like to find out more?

Complete the following contact form. We’ll contact you as soon as possible.



Partnermanagement - Become a partner now!