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Occupational safety software: Work safely, easily and effectively with iManSy

iManSys – your software solution for occupational safety!

With over 20 years of experience in the market, we are one of the leading providers of occupational safety software. Our iManSys software suite supports you in the areas of health protection, occupational safety, quality management and the environment (HSQE) as well as personnel (HR). With our software solution iManSys you can meet both your business obligations and applicable legal requirements. Our occupational safety software for a safe, simple and effective working environment!

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We support you with your project ideas!

We offer you detailed advice, considered planning, individual adjustments, rapid commissioning and comprehensive maintenance of our software systems. Our IT experts are at your disposal for many key topics.

Service and maintenance

Development and implementation of training formats

Provider and hosting services

Needs analysis and consulting

Intranet systems

Needs-based extensions

Software interfaces to match your corporate design

Illustration of your special business processes

We keep up-to-date with our developments!



Cloud Computing, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), server virtualization or internal as well as external hosting – we offer you suitable and individualized solutions. domeba takes over the interface design to personnel or access control systems. We support you in individual hardware and software environments as well as in software adaptations and developments.

Unterweisungsinhalte und Schulungsinhalte

Software development based on the Scrum principle

Our strength lies in a methodical, solution-oriented approach. We support you in all phases of the development and implementation process of our software products. The focus is on result sustainability. We adapt our competence mix depending on the type and scope of your request.

What does compliance actually mean?

Compliance stands for legally compliant and honest corporate management, i.e. adherence to legal provisions and regulatory standards as well as consideration of internal company rules of conduct and principles.

Justice and honesty

Business misconduct can have serious consequences. There is a risk of image loss, loss of sales, endangered business relationships or, in the worst case, even legal proceedings. The catchphrase ‘compliance’ summarises the legal and honest obligations of a company towards external and internal stakeholders.

The corporate obligation to comply with the law relates to compliance with laws and guidelines. In addition, the company’s internal rules of conduct and principles in the form of corporate ethical or specific value management specifications are taken into account. Both aspects represent the essential cornerstones of a functioning compliance structure within a company.

Compliance management systems

The international standard ISO 19600 recommends the establishment of a company compliance management system and presents corresponding guidelines for their use. The understanding of compliance goes beyond the classic topics, addressing specialist topics such as data protection, information security and environmental protection.

We support you in establishing a risk-appropriate, practicable compliance management system for your company and accompany you with advise and support throughout all phases of our cooperation. Our strength lies in our methodical, solution-oriented approach. The focus is on result sustainability. Depending on the type and scope of your request, our team includes specialists with the required mix of skills for you.

For further reading: Preusche, R., & Würz, K. (2016). Compliance. 2. Freiburg edition: Haufe-Lexware GmbH & Co. KG

Would you like to find out more?

Please fill out the following contact form completely. We will contact you as soon as possible.


iManSys | HSQE Compliance-Management-Software